Single-Source Global Manufacturing Solutions


Our Global Network Provides International Reach and Resources

World Class Manufacturing Resources

Unimacts solves manufacturing problems across the global supply chain, delivering the lowest fully-loaded parts cost while maintaining the highest quality, U.S.-based customer service.

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The Unimacts Global Network

The Unimacts Global Network provides manufacturers with global manufacturing capabilities and expertise in the following business areas:

  • Operational engineering
  • Logistics
  • Sales
  • Customer service
  • Supply chain management
  • Shipping management
  • Tariff management
Our Leadership

After visiting more than 1,000+ suppliers around the world, our leadership team of proven industry experts established a global supply chain network that gives our customers open access to a wealth of insights and experience:

  • Operates across 15 countries
  • Moves 17,000+ TEUs in container volume annually
  • Provides more than 20 years of operational excellence
  • Represents more than $1 billion in sourced transactions
  • Supports your business with world-class engineering expertise and award-winning customer service
  • Sloan, NV - UNX Global has a quality management system certified to ISO9001:2015

Manufacturing Facilities
  • UNX Las Vegas, NV - Roll forming and Assembly
  • UNX Houston, Texas - Roll forming and Assembly
  • UNX Tijuana, Mexico - UNX Mexico has a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2015
  • UNX Leon, Spain - UNX Spain has a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2015 and an environmental management system certified to ISO 14001
Logistics and Operations Centers (LOCs)
  • Seattle, WA, USA
  • Wapato, WA, USA
  • Chambersburg, PA, USA
  • Brande, Denmark
  • Cuxhaven, Germany
International Locations and Capabilities

North America

  • Industry experts
  • Operations engineers
  • LOC staff
  • Supply chain
  • Logistics
  • Sales
  • Customer service
  • UNX Tijuana, Mexico
  • LOCs in Washington and Pennsylvania


  • Headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark
  • Representative in Zurich
  • 25+ pre-screened suppliers and logistics providers
  • UNX factory in Leon, Spain
  • LOCs in Germany and Denmark

South America

  • 10+ pre-screened suppliers


  • Headquartered in Delhi
  • General manager and project managers
  • 50+ pre-screened suppliers
  • Three strategic manufacturing partners
  • Engineering and design center
  • Accounting and back office


  • Project managers located throughout prominent industrial locations in China
  • 80+ pre-screened suppliers
  • 10 strategic manufacturing partners
  • Strategic logistics partners supporting Australia
  • Contact Us to Learn More